DJing for live coders - Workshop

DJing - how does it work? What does a DJ have to be able to do? How does the seemingly endless, seamless music come about, where does this culture come from? How do I approach the DJ craft as a beginner? DJ Cath Boo answers these questions and shows you what is important.

Christin Busch, aka DJ Cath Boo, is not only a DJ herself, but also an enthusiastic conveyor of her know-how. Through her DJ workshops she has already taught numerous participants the finer points of the craft - from analogue (vinyl) to digital. As co-founder of the "DIEDA“ network, crew member of „Women of Techno" and founder of the "365fe*maleDJs" project, she passionately fights for more female and genderqueer presence in the DJ scene.

Admission Price: PWYW or festival ticket
